Salt Water Spa Pool Manuals & Guides
MegaChlor and MegaChlor-CD Installation and Operation
A complete guide to the installation and operation of the MegaChlor and MegaChlorCD Chlorine Generator systems for Swim Spas and Above Ground Swimming Pools. Includes physical installation, water preparation, power level setup, problem solving and the meaning of the indicator lights, etc.
Installation & Instructions
All you need to know to setup, operate and maintain The Hot Tub Wizard Chlorine Generator System for your Spa Pool.
Manage Salt Cell Life
The question on the mind of every Spa Pool Salt Water System owner is: “How long will the the Salt Cell last before it needs replacing?”. In this guide we outline the various factors that influence Salt Cell life, and provide you with pointers to help you maximise this.
Prevention of Itchy Skin
Lets consider some of the skin related issues that Spa Pool users can encounter, and then understand how to prevent these.
Water Preparation for a Salt Water Spa
Each time the water in a salt water based Spa Pool is changed the following guidelines should be followed….
Understanding Spa Water Impurities
The better you understand the impact of impurities in your Spa Pool water, the more informed actions you can take to increase the time frame between water changes.
How to install the SCEPTER Salt Cell
With the installation of a new SCEPTER salt water cell, we recommend….
Reduce Spa Pool Maintenance Costs
As Spa Pool owners we have been “conditioned” by our pool suppliers to use a range of Branded consumable products….